Treatment Methods:

Below we've listed our methods and approaches to help restore your body. These methods include: Advanced Diagnostics, Manual Therapies, Biomechanical Movement Training, Therapeutic Exercise, Integrative Dry Needling, and Wellness Programs. 


advanced diagnostics:

We believe listening to our patients and taking the time to see and understand their entire system sets the stage for achieving patient’s goals of rehabilitation and wellness. An evaluation at Thrive consists of Orthopedic evaluation of joint, muscle, tendon, ligament, and soft tissue function. Diagnostic Muscle testing is performed to separate each muscle and painful body region into it’s finite segments to determine how muscles are being recruited and if intervention is needed to restore the recruitment ability. Biomechanical Movement Analysis and Postural Evaluations are performed to determine how a patient moves and positions themselves throughout the constant day to day activities of life. All these aspects combine to create a custom plan that gives a patient hope in the truth that the body has the incredible ability to heal and change.

manual therapies:

Manual Therapies:  We specialize in the use of many hands on techniques to restore alignment, improve joint mobility, enhance soft tissue integrity and facilitate movement corrections. These include soft tissue mobilization and myofascial release from very deep layers of tissue to more superficial layers. Craniosacral, visceral, meningeal, dural, paravertebral, and scar release techniques can alleviate pain and restriction that has been locked in the system for long periods of time.  Mobilization of the spine and extremity joints can provide needed movement and improved vascularization. Muscle Energy and Strain-Counter Strain techniques are gentle ways to restore alignment while giving the patient a sense of relaxation and control.

Biomechanical Movement Training:

Biomechanical movement training: Once the tissues are more pliable and in better alignment, we train our patients in safe and efficient ways to position their bodies in stillness, and move their bodies in activity. This training eliminates abnormal pressures on the body system and reduces pain.

therapeutic exercise:

Therapeutic Exercise:  We customize specific exercises that are needed for a patient based on their injury, evaluation, and lifestyle. At Thrive your exercises will be taught by your PT and you will be given hands on assistance and monitoring until your body can move and perform the exercise correctly. Once the exercise is learned it will become the patient’s responsibility to perform at home, so more time in a therapy session can be given to manual treatments.

integrative dry needling:

Integrative Dry Needling: This technique is a highly effective form of Physical Therapy for the treatment of a multitude of musculoskeletal and neuromuscular conditions. IDN is not acupuncture; it is based on neuroanatomy and modern scientific study of the musculoskeletal and neuromuscular systems. It works by causing a microlesion within the pathological tissue, thus breaking up shortened tissues, inhibiting a reflex arc from the nervous system to the tissue, normalizing the inflammatory response, and centrally mediating the pain. This mechanical and neuromuscular effect provides an environment that enhances the body’s ability to heal which ultimately reduces pain.

Conditions that benefit from IDN include, but are not limited to: neck, back and shoulder pain, arm pain (tennis elbow, carpal tunnel, golfer’s elbow), headache to include migraines, and tension-type headaches, jaw pain, buttock pain and leg pain (sciatica, hamstring strains, calf tightness/spasms).  Sports Medicine: Prevention of injury is an athlete’s best defense. IDN can be used to optimize muscle performance, de-stress from overtraining, and treat soft tissue contusions, strains/sprains.

wellness programs:

Wellness programs: We want our patients to be forward thinking about prevention of injury and maintaining a healthy lifestyle. We offer sessions geared toward functional exercise and safe movement when performing activities they love such as biking, gardening, golfing, surfing, tennis, yoga, running and weight lifting.